Thursday, June 6, 2013

Social Media and What It Means Today

Think back about 10 years did you talk to your friends? How did you share the pictures that you took? How did you remember birthdays? Now go forward 1 year - 2004 - a man and his friends had an idea, and from that Facebook was created!

Enter present day - Facebook has over 1 billion users! We share everything with everyone now - pictures, birthdays, what we are doing on the weekend, what we are doing right now!

I remember when Social Media became something that we capitalized, something that became a completely new entity on its own! Social Media today has become a powerful tool for businesses to use - it lets us reach customers and clients with so much ease, send out deals, and generally be more in touch with those that visit our establishment!

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and many others - today they have become the tools of the trade. I can remember, about a year ago our Facebook page didn't have nearly the amount of Likes as it does today (just over 9400) and the day-to-day traffic didn't touch where we are at now! Today, we can post a simple, one line update about a special and we will hit 1500 - 2000 people! That simply blows my mind!

Its interesting to think back about how so many people were against social media when it first started coming about - it was stupid and a waste of time; now, there are so many of us that spend so much time doing it that we don't even realize it.

But again - it is an amazing tool. I have a friend who's husband is currently deployed overseas, and she can share the happenings of their recent addition to the family (a beautiful girl) with her husband even though he is thousands of miles away...that truly is magic.

All in all, the world is constantly changing, and it seems our society is on the path to ever more connectivity and sharing - something that I hope we all see as what it should be - a tool and gift to use to stay in touch!

I hope you all have a great week, and we'll talk to you soon!

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