Monday, March 9, 2015

Then vs. Now: Quality vs. Cheap & Fast

Good evening Indy! How beautiful was this day? I sincerely hope that the weather stays in this range instead of plummeting back down to the frigid!

As the title states, this post is all about the changes that have been made, specifically in the restaurant industry, but across the board as well, as time marches on. I don't have specific time tables, so I will generalize to the best of my memory, but here we go!

Think back ten to fifteen years that in your mind? Now, think about how things were made and where they came from; fifteen years ago, most restaurants would get their product from a local supplier - you were literally eating beef, chicken, and pork from the farm just down the road. Business was good, for all involved. If you had a question, or an issue, you could drive ten minutes down the road and get an answer. It was great for all parties involved.

Now, the best you can do is know the name of the supplier...and not much better. We "want" farms and suppliers to produce product as fast as possible for as cheap as possible, and it's not just the restaurant industry that is doing this. It's everything. Gone are the days of superior quality and standards, gone are the days that human interaction was needed to get most things done.

As time passes and technology becomes more and more powerful, we continually move away from the one thing still needed to make it all work - human interaction. We have replaced the hard working, sweat and blood giving people with automated machines and robots. Sure, some of these machines have taken the job out of a person's hands because the job itself was super dangerous, and that is great, but we shouldn't be automating the things that don't necessarily need automated.

WE ARE HUMAN. This means we need human interaction!

Alas, I wandered off topic there for a second...

Most large supply companies use giant, corporate farms to get their product now - these farms are huge, and more often than not consist of giant buildings within which animals are filed over and over again. Bring them in, feed and grow them, send them out; wash, rinse, repeat. For the most part, gone are the days when animals were raised under the sun, in a grass field, without any medicinal help; now, they're cooped up, fed special mixes of food to make them bigger and meatier, and filled with drugs that do the same thing as the feed.

Ultimately, that's all well and good, but what has changed that it is necessary? Is there really such a high demand for more "perfect" food, or is the reality the fact that our great country is rather gluttonous - and we don't want to wait? We are consumers...consumers that have been groomed that everything should be and is quick service.

All in all, if nothing else, this is food for thought. What do you think?

As always, we hope to see you soon! Make sure you get out and enjoy the jump in temps this week!

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